Backbiting |
1. O ye, people of the world, why do you backbite? The backbiter is always exposed. Ravidasji, Gauri Rag |
2. The corrupt man has no protection, The backbiter has no honour, Guru I, Gujri Rag |
3. The slanderer carries the great burden of sins, Without payment he carries loads. Guru III, Majh Rag |
4. Do not slander anyone, And thereby pick up a quarrel. Guru I, Vadhans Rag |
5. He, who slanders is known as such, His actions will go in vain. Guru IV, Gauri Rag |
6. He, who backbites loses his own credit; The slanderer only exposes himself. Guru IV, Bilawal Rag |
7. He, who backbites us, Rids us of our sins. Kabirji, Gauri Rag |
8. He, who slanders others, Cannot face anybody without shame. Guru IV, Gauri Rag |
9. Day and night we talk ill of others, We are full of malice and sins. Guru I, Sri Rag |
10. All hail to the great God, Who listens not to the backbiter. Guru IV, Sri Rag |
11. The slanderer is cured not of his affiction, Try as well as we may. Guru V, Gauri Rag |
12. He, who talks sweetly in one’s presence, And talks ill at one’s back, Is evil of heart and has been separated from God. Guru IV, Gauri Rag |
13. Do not talk ill of others and be not jealous; Though educated thou hast no peace of mind. Guru I, Maru Rag |
14. The slanderer cries in the wilderness, He forgets the Lord and thus gets the fruit of his deeds. Guru V, Asa Rag |
15. The slanderer removes the dirt of others, He, the slave of mammon, eats that dirt. Guru IV, Gujri Rag |