Faith |
1. Give up all your doubts, And throw your sceptic books into the sea.
(Kabirji, Shlokas)
2. Have firm faith, And let your mind be not shaken.
(Guru V, Dhanasri Rag)
3. O Highest of the high! Nanak has faith only in Thee.
(Guru V, Gauri Rag)
4. I have faith only in my Husband, And I get whatsoever I need.
(Guru V, Sorath Rag)
5. O Destroyer of pride! Thy slave has faith only in Thee.
(Guru V, Sorath Rag)
6. If we believe in the Word, We find the Guru and lose our ego.
(Guru III, Sri Rag)
7. How clear the path of one who believes,
He lives with honour, with honour he leaves.
( Guru I, Japji)
8. Those who believe, Their minds awaken to higher conscoiusness,
And to the inner knowledge of all spheres.
(Guru I, Japji)