The Ingrate |
1. The ingrate will not be saved, He shall fall in the mire of hell.
2. The place for the ingrate is hell, Where there is much misery and suffering.
Guru V, Guari Rag
3. The ungrateful has forgotten the Master, He shall wander through many births.
Guru V, Jaitsri Rag
4. The ingrate has been separated from Him, His case shall go unrepresented.
Guru V, Bihagara
5. You receive so many blessings, And yet you remain ungrateful;
You lose all faith because of the one thing that you have not received.
Guru V, Gauri Rag
6. Says Nanak, we are full of ingratitude,
Save us, O Reader of hearts.
Guru V, Gauri Rag
7. In the deeps of hell is immense pain,
Yea, the ungrateful wretches are cast there,
The Lord destroyeth them,
They die, forsaken by the Lord.
Guru V, Gauri Rag