Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 21 Pauree 3-4 |
AibnwsI suK Awpn Awsn ] abhinaasee sukh aapan aasan. When the Immortal Lord was seated at ease, qh jnm mrn khu khw ibnwsn ] tah janam maran kaho kahaa binaasan. then where was birth, death and dissolution? jb pUrn krqw pRBu soie ] jab pooran kartaa parabh so-ay. When there was only God, the Perfect Creator, qb jm kI qRws khhu iksu hoie ] tab jam kee taraas kahhu kis ho-ay. then who was afraid of death? jb Aibgq Agocr pRB eykw ] jab abigat agochar parabh aykaa. When there was only the One Lord, unmanifest and incomprehensible, qb icqR gupq iksu pUCq lyKw ] tab chitar gupat kis poochhat laykhaa. then who was called to account by the recording scribes of the conscious and the subconscious? jb nwQ inrMjn Agocr AgwDy ] jab naath niranjan agochar agaaDhay. When there was only the Immaculate, Incomprehensible, Unfathomable Master, qb kaun Cuty kaun bMDn bwDy ] tab ka-un chhutay ka-un banDhan baaDhay. then who was emancipated, and who was held in bondage? Awpn Awp Awp hI Acrjw ] aapan aap aap hee acharjaa. He Himself, in and of Himself, is the most wonderful. nwnk Awpn rUp Awp hI auprjw ]3] naanak aapan roop aap hee uparjaa. ||3|| O Nanak, He Himself created His Own Form. ||3|| jh inrml purKu purK piq hoqw ] jah nirmal purakh purakh pat hotaa. When there was only the Immaculate Being, the Lord of beings, qh ibnu mYlu khhu ikAw Doqw ] tah bin mail kahhu ki-aa Dhotaa. there was no filth, so what was there to be washed clean? jh inrMjn inrMkwr inrbwn ] jah niranjan nirankaar nirbaan. When there was only the Pure, Formless Lord in Nirvaanaa, qh kaun kau mwn kaun AiBmwn ] tah ka-un ka-o maan ka-un abhimaan. then who was honored, and who was dishonored? jh srUp kyvl jgdIs ] jah saroop kayval jagdees. When there was only the Form of the Lord of the Universe, qh Cl iCdR lgq khu kIs ] tah chhal chhidar lagat kaho kees. then who was tainted by fraud and sin? jh joiq srUpI joiq sMig smwvY ] jah jot saroopee jot sang samaavai. When the Embodiment of Light was immersed in His Own Light, qh iksih BUK kvnu iqRpqwvY ] tah kiseh bhookh kavan tariptaavai. then who was hungry, and who was satisfied? krn krwvn krnYhwru ] karan karaavan karnaihaar. He is the Cause of causes, the Creator Lord. nwnk krqy kw nwih sumwru ]4] naanak kartay kaa naahi sumaar. ||4|| O Nanak, the Creator is beyond calculation. ||4||