Section III: Principles of Sikhism
Q33. What is the goal of human life?
Q34 Is a Guru necessary for spiritual evolution?
Q35 What are the traits of a true Guru?
Q36 Did the Sikh Gurus perform miracles? If so, why?
Q37 What is the relation between the Sikh and the Guru?
Q38 Can prayer change things or destiny?
Q39 Should we ask for worldly things in prayer?
Q40 What is the Sikh prayer?
Q41 Is it possible to conquer death?
Q42 What is Karma?
Q43 Is there Fate or Freewill, according to Sikhism?
Q44 What is Grace?
Q45 What is Bhagti?
Q46 Who is a saint?
Q47 What are the five virtues, according to Sikhism?
Q48 What are the five main vices?
Q49 What is the place of evil, according to Sikhism?
Q50 What is the value of fasting?
Q51 What is the value of pilgrimage?
Q52 What is true education, according to Sikhism?
Q53 What is conscience?
Q54 What is Maya?
Q55 What is egoism (haumai)?
Q56 What is the Name (Nam)?
Q57 What is Sahaj Yoga?
Q58 What is contentment?
Q59 What is humility?
Q60 What is renunciation?
Q61 What is the role of service (Sewa) without thoughts of self in Sikhism?
Q62 What are the stages in spiritual development, according to Sikhism?
Q63 What is the mission of Khalsa?
Q64 Are the five symbols really necessary?
Q65 What is the significance of the five symbols?
Q66 What is the code of discipline for the Khalsa?
Q67 Is holy congregation (SatSang) necessary?
Q68 How should we treat the apostates-Patits?
Q69 Are there castes among the Sikhs?
Q70 What is the basic creed of the Sikhs?
Q71 What is the Temple of Bread (Langar)?
Q72 What is the scope of comprehensive discipline in a Sikh’s life?
Q73 What is the routine of a Sikh?
Q74 How can a man turn towards God?
Q75 Is drinking permitted in Sikhism?
Q76 What is the attitude of Sikh Faith towards non-vegetarian food?
(C) Copyright 1977, Hemkunt Press, New Delhi, India.