Maharaj Singh
Unfortunately not much information is available about Bhai Maharaj Singh’s personal life. His original name was Nihal Singh but due to his priestly behaviour he was well known as Bhai Maharaj Singh. Bhai Maharaj Singh was perhaps the first freedom righter who fought against the highhandedness of the British Raj.
Bhai Maharaj Singh created lot of troubles to the British by his revolutionary activities-the first being the famous Prema Conspiracy in which many British officials were to be killed. Although he could nix get much success due to the leakage of the scheme before the due date, yet he created a terror among the British authorities. Many steps were thus taken by the British Govt, in which his entire property was confiscated
and a reward of Rsm one thousand was announced far his arrest (The award was later on increased to Rs. Ten Thousand). But undaunted by all these acts, Bhai Maharaj Singh continued his vii es as before. His help to Diwan Mul Raj and attempts to tree Maharaja Daleep Sirngh, the last Sikh ruler. from the British, are few more examples of his chivalrous character. He confined his revolutionary activities mostly in Matha and the Jullundur Doab which was, according to hit. both strategically and politically were more safe and where his influence on the people was considerable.
He was, at last, arrested on December 28, 1849 in the Jullundur Doab and was imprisoned in Singapore. And this ‘divine patriot left for its heavenly abode on July 5, 1856.