KISHAN SINGH GARGA Kishan Singh was born at village Bluing, District lullundur. a place Just two furlongs to the cast…
Martyrs of Punjab:Banta Singh
Banta Singh A famous Ghadarite, Banta Singh was born in 1890 at village Sanghowal. District Jullundur. His father, Buta Singh,…
Martyrs of Punjab: Jagat Singh
Jagat Singh A famous Ghadarite, Jagat Singh alias Jai Singh was born at village Sursingh, District Lahore (now District…
Lala Lajpat Rai
Lala Lajpat Rai Lala Lajpat Rai an eminent freedom fighter of Punjab was born on January 28, 1865 at a…
Martyrs of Punjab
M KARTAR SINGH SARAR14A Kaman Singh Sarabha was undoubtedly one of the most eminent freedom fighters of our country. He…
Martyrs of Punjab:Bal Mukund
Bal Mukund Born in 1889 at village Kariala, District Jhelum (now in Pakistan) he was son of Bhai Mathura…
Martyrs of Punjab:Harbans Singh
Harbans Singh He was born at village Sirhala Khurd, District Hoshiarpur. His father, Khem Singh, was an army Havaldar who…
Martyrs of Punjab:Teja Singh Samundari
Teja Singh Samundri Teja Singh Samundri was born in 1831 at the village Rai Ka Burj, District Amritsar. His father,…
Martyrs of Punjab: Sohan Lal Patisak
SOHAN LAL PATISAK Sohan Lal was born on January 7, 1883. His father, P.L. Chanda Ram, was a poor Brahmin…