24th April 1923 SGPC declares its dissociation with the Babbar Akalis. 1955 Akali Dal decided to launch a…
Today in Sikh History – 30th December
30th December 1734 Mata Sahib Kaur sent a Hukamnama for Bhai Mann Singh Ji. 1922 Second meeting of Babbars at…
Today in Sikh History :23rd June
23rd June 1982 Sikh shops burned in Patiala. 1984 Indira Gandhi, then Prime Minsiter of India, vists Darbar…
Today in Sikh History : 25th February
25th February 1710 Baba Banda Singh Bahadhur was victorious over Sirhind. ==> BANDA SINGH BAHADHUR: born on KatakSudhi…
Today in Sikh History – 21st January
21st January 1831 The King of England sent valuable gifts to Maharaja Ranjit Singh as a gesture of friendship.…
Today in Sikh History : 11th May
11th May 1835 Dost Mohd. agitated over Sikh occupation of Peshawar in 1834 made war preparation but left…
Today in Sikh History – 17th November
17th November 1922 The agitation for the restitution of Guru Ka Bagh was won. ==> GURU KA BAGH gurudwara…
Today in Sikh History – 14th December
14th December 1705 Imperial forces give solemn assurances of safe conduct at Anandpur. Subsequent events proved these promises…
Today in Sikh History – 23rd December
23rd December 1667 Janam Din, Mata Sudari Ji. 1704 Martydom Bhai Jaita. 1982 Ex-Servicemen and Intellectuals demands "Sikhs…
Today in Sikh History :16th August
16th August 1604 SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB first installed in Sri Harmindar Sahib (ACTUAL DAY) The Holy Sri…