Q26. How was the world created, according to Sikhism? God existed all alone in His abstract form – Nirgun –…
Varan Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaar 1
Varan Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaar 1Translation by Dr Jodh Singh Pauri 2(Creation) pRQmYN sws n mws sn AMD DuMd…
Asa di Vaar:Pauri 7
Asa di Vaar: :Pauri7 pauVI ] (466-19) pa-orhee. Pauree:7 syv kIqI sMqoKIe^ØI ijn@I sco scu iDAwieAw ] (466-19, Awsw, mÚ…
Guru Stories:Creation of Baoli Sahib
Creation of Baoli Sahib> Devotees bathing in Baoli Sahib A Baoli is a staircase leading to water. The Baoli Sahib…
Quotations from Adi Granth: Creation
Creation 1. What is the time, season, day, month, of creation? Knows None. Not the Pundits, even if it be…
Islam : The True Religion
Islam : The True Religion By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips THE RELIGION OF ISLAM The first thing that one should…
Varan Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaar 1
Varan Bhai Gurdas Ji Vaar 1Translation by Dr Jodh Singh Pauri 9 (Nyaya) goqm qpy ibcwr kY irg vyd…
Learn Jupji Sahib Online: Pauri 37-38 and Shalok
Learn Jupji Sahib Online : Pauri 37-38 and Shalok {play}images/audio/japji/Japji19.mp3{/play} Click to Play Audio ਕਰਮ ਖੰਡ ਕੀ ਬਾਣੀ ਜੋਰੁ…