20th November 1693 Aurangzeb issued orders that read: “News from Sirhind, Gobind declares himself to be Guru Nanak. Faujdars ordered…
Today in Sikh History – 28th January
28th January 1520 Guru Baba Nanak Dev in the course of his udasis (travels) arrived at Mecca, the Centre of…
Today in Sikh History :11th March
11th March 1783 Sikhs enetered Red Fort in Delhi and hoisted their Kesri flag, under the leadership of Baghael Singh,…
Today in Sikh History – 5th December
5th December 1705 Guru Gobind Singh Ji bid farewell to Anandpur. Accompanied by members of his family and 1500 other…
Mahavir Chakra Brigadier Manjit Singh
Brigadier Manjit Singh In October 1987,Brigadier Manjit Singh assumed commond of the 41 Infantry Brigade,deployed in Shri Lanka as part…
The Punjab Regiment.
The Punjab Regiment. Regimental Headquarters: Ramgarh, Bihar. Regimental Insignia: A Galley, an ancient Greek or Roman warship, with a bank…
Sikhs in British Armed Forces
Sikhs in British Armed Forces History of Sikh Regiments The Sikh Regiment came into existence on August 1, 1846, with…
Today in Sikh History – 24th January
24th January 1849 Chatter Singh joined with Sher Singh against the British while the British forces spared from Multan…
Today in Sikh History :2nd June
2nd June 1818 Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s forces annexed the province of Multan into the Sikh State, after several…
Today in Sikh History – 15th December
15th December 1887 Maharani Bamba, wife of Dalip Singh, passed away in London. 1923 Bhai Pheru Morcha. 1924…