Equality 1. The rich and the poor are all brethren, This the Lord has ordained and none can gainsay it;…
Quotations from Adi Granth: Five Passions
Five Passions 1. I have sought Thy Refuge, O King, That out of the five Peasants in my Tenancy Not…
Quotations from Adi Granth : Maya
Maya 1. What is Maya? What actions are Maya? Maya is where one is bound to Pain and Pleasure, and…
Quotations from Adi Granth :Monotheism
Monotheism 1. There is, But One God. (Guru I, Japji) 2. Contemplate the True One that was in the beginning,…
Quotations from Adi Granth : Friends & Friendship
Friends & Friendship 1. No one is my enemy and none is a stranger tome, Everyone is my friend. GURU…
Bibi Prem Kaur
Bibi Prem Kaur The green Thaeri Hills were soaked in blood. The powerful Pathan Army defended the hill top against…
Bibi Rajni Ji
Bibi Rajni Ji In the era of Guru Ram Das, one cannot leave out Rajni, youngest daughter of Rai Duni…
The Sikh Rehat Maryada : Section Six
Rehat Maryada : Section Six Chapter XIII Facets of Corporate Sikh Life Article XXII The essential facets of Panthic life…
An Introduction to Sikh Belief
An Introduction to Sikh Belief By P.M. Wylam (Manjit Kaur) When Guru Nanak first began to preach his message,…
Hukamnama and Sarbat Khalsa : when, why, how and by whom?
Hukamnama and Sarbat Khalsa : when, why, how and by whom? The year 1998 can rightly be called the…