Doings 1. As you sow, so you shall reap; This body is the result of your actions. (Guru V, Jaitsri…
Quotations from Adi Granth: Extra Marital Affairs
Extra Marital Affairs 1. Shame to him Who commits adultery. Guru V, Jaijavanti Rag 2. A man full of lust,Gazes…
Quotations from Adi Granth: Heaven & Hell
Heaven & Hell 1. One may have vast riches, culture, glory, pious routine (of life) And love of the parents,…
Quotations from Adi Granth :Superstitions
Superstitions 1. One keeps fast for thirty days and says his prayers five times in a day; but sees not…
Quotations from Adi Granth : Mourning
Mourning 1. Why mourn the death of others? (Kabirji, Gauri Rag) 2. You cry for your own losses, Brother, you…
Mata Suhag Bai
Mata Suhag Bai Ji At the time of Guru Amardas ji there was a man, Bhai Mengha, who together with…
Punjab Cities:Muktsar
MUKTSAR Muktsar(Old name Khidrana) is 45 Kms. from Faridkot named after the 40 ‘Muktas’ – the emancipated ones, who had…
WHENCE TO WHERE AND IN BETWEEN birth,life, death & beyond: the Sikh perspective NIRMAL SINGH * THE ETERNAL QUESTION The…
THE TENTH MASTER :GOBIND SINGH NANAK Prof. Puran Singh Anandpur of the Tenth Master Malin, the Gardener’s Wife…
Guru Gobind Singh Ji The Shaper of the Psyche of the Cyclonic Sikhs
Guru Gobind Singh Ji The Shaper of the Psyche of the Cyclonic Sikhs Dr. S.S. Sodhi "As the…