Essentials of Sikhism by Sirdar Kapur Singh (National Professor of Sikhism)1960 I. GENERAL Religion deals essentially with three subjects…
AN INCOMPARABLE PROPHET:Guru Amar Dass (1479-1574)
AN INCOMPARABLE PROPHET:Guru Amar Dass (1479-1574) by Sirdar Kapur Singh (National Professor of Sikhism) I Guru Amar Dass, Nanak…
Gurudwara Pehli Patshahi , Katas, Distt Chakwal
Gurudwara Pehli Patshahi , Katas, Distt Chakwal Katas is a very sacred place for the Hindus. It is located on…
World Religions-Hinduism
Hinduism INTRODUCTION TO HINDUISM 1. Hinduism is one of the oldest World religions. Its history dates back to 1200…
World Religions-Hinduism
Hinduism Overview: Hinduism differs from Christianity and other Western religions in that it does not have a single founder,…
Today in Sikh History :31st May
31st May 1981 Sikh procession to seek Holy City status for Amritsar. The Sikhs brought out a procession…
Kurbani:Amritsar Massacre 1978
Conclusion Akhand Kirtani Jatha (UK) In 1708 Guru Gobind Singh Ji declared to the Khalsa, "that after him there shall…
The Tarkunde Report: Was It A ‘Communal’ Riot?
Was It A ‘Communal’ Riot? Nearly two months and a half after the holocaust, one can assert with confidence…
The Tarkunde Report: Introduction
Introduction On the recent violence in Delhi which continued unabated and unchecked for four long fearful days (October 31…
Who Are The Guilty? Role Of Public
Role Of Public While the disturbances that shook Delhi from October 31 to November 5 could be deseribed as…