Asa di Vaar: :Pauri 19 pauVI ] (473-11) pa-orhee. 19 Pauree: sBu ko AwKY Awpxw ijsu nwhI so cuix kFIAY…
Quotations from Adi Granth :The Practice
The Practice 1. One must hear, believe in and love the Lord’s Name and bathe at the pilgrim-station within one’s…
The Sikh Calendar: Baramaha: Phalguni
In Phalguni, the soul of those, to whom Lord’s love is pleasing is in bloom. She, who effaces her…
Quotations from Adi Granth: Devotion
Devotion 1. Through Devotion, the devotee attains glory. And, imbued with Truth, he merges in the peace of Poise. (Dhanasri…
Sukhmani Sahib-The Sikh Prayers
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 04 Pauree 3-4 Awid AMiq jo rwKnhwru ] aad ant jo raakhanhaar. From beginning to end,…
The Sikh Calendar: Baramaha: Pokhi
In Pokhi, the snow falls and the sap of the forest and grass dries up. 0 Lord, why comest…
Quotations from Adi Granth: Greed
Greed 1. Absorbed in false greed, You have forgotten that death is the end; Even now no harm will be…
The Sikh Calendar: Baramaha:Asuni
In Asuni, come 0 my Beloved. Thy wife is repining herself to death. If the Lord makes her meet, then…
Guru Stories:The Bebe Nanaki – The First Sikh
The Bebe Nanaki – The First Sikh
Quotations from Adi Granth :Predestination
Predestination 1. The year and moment of my death are fore ordained, Come and anoint me with the oil of…