Devotion 1. Through Devotion, the devotee attains glory. And, imbued with Truth, he merges in the peace of Poise. (Dhanasri…
Sukhmani Sahib-The Sikh Prayers
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 04 Pauree 3-4 Awid AMiq jo rwKnhwru ] aad ant jo raakhanhaar. From beginning to end,…
The Sikh Calendar: Baramaha: Pokhi
In Pokhi, the snow falls and the sap of the forest and grass dries up. 0 Lord, why comest…
Quotations from Adi Granth: Greed
Greed 1. Absorbed in false greed, You have forgotten that death is the end; Even now no harm will be…
The Sikh Calendar: Baramaha:Asuni
In Asuni, come 0 my Beloved. Thy wife is repining herself to death. If the Lord makes her meet, then…
Guru Stories:The Bebe Nanaki – The First Sikh
The Bebe Nanaki – The First Sikh
Quotations from Adi Granth :Predestination
Predestination 1. The year and moment of my death are fore ordained, Come and anoint me with the oil of…
Baarah Maahaa :Saawan
Baarah Maahaa :Saawan swvix srsI kwmxI crn kml isau ipAwru ] saavan sarsee kaamnee charan kamal si-o pi-aar. In the…
The Sikh Calendar: Baramaha:Vaisakh
Pleasant is Vaisakhu, when the tree bough adorns itself anew. The bride is anxious to see God at her door,…
Sikh Names ‘I’
"I" Name Description Ikhtiar Master Ikjot The One light, God’s light Ikroop Oneness with God Inderjeet One who wins the…