Q50. What is the value of fasting? Fasting is good for health but has no religious merit. Some sects of…
Sikhism FAQs:What happens to the individual after death?
Q29. What happens to the individual after death? Human life is just a stage in the upward march of the…
Sikhism FAQs:What is Maya?
Q54. What is Maya? Sikhism does not accept the conventional meaning of Maya-as illusion. The world is not Maya; it…
Sikhism FAQs:What is the goal of human life?
Q33. What is the goal of human life? Man’s creation could not have been meaningless. It is difficult to affirm…
Sikhism FAQs:What was God’s purpose in creating man?
Q24. What was God’s purpose in creating man? It may never be possible to understand fully God’s purpose in creating…
Political Philosophy of the Sikh Gurus: Concept of Man
Political Philosophy of the Sikh Gurus Kanwarjit Singh CHAPTER IV CONCEPT OF MAN Man in Relation to the…
Quotations from Adi Granth :METAMORPHOSIS
Metamorphosis 1. The creator has ordained, The transmigration of soul. U (Guru III, Bilawal Rag) 2. The universe exhibits, The…
Quotations from Adi Granth : Immortality of Soul
Immortality of Soul 1. The soul is immortal. (Guru V, GauriI Rag) 2. The soul neither dies, Nor can it…
Bards/Bhatts in Adi Granth: Bhatt Balh
1. Poetry dealing with transmigration of Guru Nanak’s soul to the descendants of his throne. 2. The second category comprises…
GURU NANAK: HIS ART AND THOUGHT NANAK AND HIS POETRY Guru Nanak is the World-Teacher. He is also the…