Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 22 Pauree 5-6 swDsMig imil krhu Anµd ] saaDhsang mil karahu anand. Join the Company of…
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 18 Pauree 3-4
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 18 Pauree 3-4 bIs ibsvy gur kw mnu mwnY ] bees bisvay gur kaa man maanai. One…
Sukhmani Sahib-The Sikh Prayers
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 16 Pauree 5-6 nwm ky Dwry sgly jMq ] naam kay Dhaaray saglay jant. The Naam…
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 04 Pauree 7-8
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 04 Pauree 7-8 sMig shweI su AwvY n cIiq ] sang sahaa-ee so aavai na cheet. The…
Sukhmani Sahib-The Sikh Prayers
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 15 pauree 3-4 ijau mMdr kau QwmY QMmnu ] ji-o mandar ka-o thaamai thamman. As a…
Sukhmani Sahib-The Sikh Prayers
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 12 Pauree 1-2 koit krm krY hau Dwry ] kot karam karai ha-o Dhaaray. If someone…
Sukhmani Sahib-The Sikh Prayers
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 12 Pauree 1-2 sloku ] salok. Shalok: suKI bsY mskInIAw Awpu invwir qly ] sukhee basai…
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee14 Pauree 3-4
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee14 Pauree 3-4 bfBwgI qy jn jg mwih ] badbhaagee tay jan jag maahi. Very fortunate are those…
The Sikh Religion, Volume 1 by Max Arthur MacAuliffe [1842-1913]
Sukhmani Sahib Gobind Singh Mansukhani The Sukhmani is probably the greatest composition of Guru Arjan. It is said that…
Sukhmani Sahib-The Sikh Prayers
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 16 Pauree 1-2 sloku ] salok. Shalok: rUpu n ryK n rMgu ikCu iqRhu gux qy…