"V" Name Description Vachan Word, Promise Vaibhav Riches Vallabh Beloved Vandan Adoration Vandit Revered Vanpaal Protector of Forests Vandeep…
Sikh Names ‘B’
"Bh-Bu" Name Description Bhupesh God of kings Bhupinder God of Kings Bhupinderpal Preserved by God Bhupinderjeet Victory for Supreme God…
Asa di Vaar: Pauri 11
Asa di Vaar: :Pauri 11 pauVI ] (469-6) pa-orhee. Pauree:11 Duir krmu ijnw kau quDu pwieAw qw iqnI Ksmu iDAwieAw…
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 24 Pauree 5-6
Sukhmani Sahib Asthapadee 24 Pauree 5-6 pRB kI ausqiq krhu sMq mIq ] parabh kee ustat karahu sant meet.…